Deep within the underworld, two skeleton friends, a Dodo and a boy, tirelessly dig for fresh bones. Their ancient skeletal forms are deteriorating and without them they will disappear completely. One day something peculiar happens: The Dodo miraculously sprouts feathers!  A wave of transformation begins, shattering the established order of the dead.

As the Dodo continues to grow flesh, fear and chaos erupt The two friends must flee, fighting to stay together as they are drawn into the heart of an epic battle between life and death.  Infused with puppetry, humor, and stunning visual effects, Dead as a Dodo is a  mesmerizing musical odyssey about survival, transformation, and the power of true friendship.

  • By: Gwendolyn Warnock & Kirjan Waage with the ensemble.
    Directed by: Gwendolyn Warnock and Kirjan Waage

    Original music and sound design: Thor Gunnar Thorvaldsson
    Projection design: Erato Tzavara
    Lighting design: Daphne Agosin
    Figure design/puppet maker: Kirjan Waage
    Set and costume design: Gwendolyn Warnock & Kirjan Waage
    Producer: Gabrielle Brechner

    Cast: Lei-Lei Bavoil, Alexandra Bråss, Andy Manjuck, Hanna Margrete Muir, Sigurd Rosenberg, Marie Skogvang Stork, Anna Soland, Kirjan Waage
    Original ensemble: Alexandra Bråss, Dorothy James, Andy Manjuck, Hanna Margrete Muir, Sigurd Rosenberg, Peter Russo, Marie Skogvang Stork, Anna Soland, Kirjan Waage
    Prop and additional puppet making: Lei-Lei Bavoil, Alexandra Bråss, Frida Vige Helle, Dorothy James, Andy Manjuck, Hanna Magrete Muir, Jack Markussen, Sigurd Rosenberg, Peter Russo, Marie Skogvang-Stork, Anna Soland
    Additional prop making, painting and sewing: Gro Sunde, Rosalie Arends

    In collaboration with: Figurteatret i Nordland, Nord University, and The Chicago International Puppet Theater Festival.
    Supported by: Arts Council Norway, Oslo Teatersenter, Sea-Cargo AS, and FFUK.