Humor, emotion, and story telling verve.
— The New York Times, Critic's Pick
A stunningly original theatrical work
— Talkin' Broadway

The year is 2555: large swaths of earth’s surface are considered dead zones, and mass extinction has begun. There is a war (there is always a war), and as both sides grow desperate, their thirst for destruction becomes more and more volatile.

An improbable meeting between an orphaned boy and a young girl threatens to tip the balance for good, but in whose favor, and at what cost? A mysterious man in a homemade fox costume has seen this all before, has lived this tragedy too many times already. But this time – he is determined – it will be different.

  • Concept, Direction, Design: Gwendolyn Warnock and Kirjan Waage

    Puppets: Kirjan Waage

    Music: Thor Gunnar Thorvaldson

    Lights: Jan Erik Skarby

    Projection Design: Erato Tzavara

    Performed and constructed by: Lei-Lei Bavoil, Alexander Burnett, François Couder, Dorothy James, Onela Keal, Jon Levin, Tim Lucassen, Vigdis Ludvigsen, Andy Manjuck, Jack Markussen, Peter Russo, Jan Erik Skarby, Marianne Thallaug, Gwendolyn Warnock, Kirjan Waage, Kyra Vandenenden, Olivia Zerphy

    Co-production with Nordland Visual Theater

  • "Humor, emotion and storytelling verve"
    "An eerie, slightly morbid universe packed with bold strokes" 
    – The New York Times, Critic's Pick

    "Wildly imaginative puppet theater"
    "Gorgeously imagined"
    "A futuristic fable that is as suspenseful as it is sobering." 
    – TheaterMania

    "A thrilling and disturbing dystopian tale"
    "An exceptionally theatrical piece of puppetry"
    "A stunningly original theatrical work" 
    – Talkin' Broadway

    "A dizzying visual feast"
    "A sobering message delivered in a unique and entertaining way that will have you thinking about the play long after it ends." – Theater Pizzazz

    "Revels in the extraordinary" 
    – The New Yorker

    "Action packed and stunning" – Theater Life

    "A satisfying dramatic arc that’s unafraid to break conventional constraints."
    "Sophisticated, inspired storytelling that embraces both cinematic and theatrical traditions in the most ingenious and creative ways" 
    – Interludes